North Kansas City Toxic Chemical Exposure Lawyer

Toxic exposure is a risk for anyone living in the modern world. Although workers in agriculture and some other industries have a higher risk of exposure, anyone could be exposed to toxins in the air, soil, food, or water. 

When you have a health condition that you suspect is related to toxic exposure, speak to an experienced injury attorney right away. If you can prove a connection between your illness and the exposure, you could receive compensation for your condition and its effects on your life.

A North Kansas City toxic chemical exposure lawyer at BG Law has the skills and knowledge to prove your case. With their help, you could hold the party responsible for your exposure accountable for their wrongdoing.

Means of Chemical Exposure in North

There are so many means of exposure to toxic chemicals that it is impossible to avoid every risk. Depending on the type of chemical, a person could absorb it through their skin, inhale it, or ingest it in their water or food.  

A capable North Kansas City attorney represents people who were exposed to toxic chemicals in:

  • Personal care products
  • Household cleaners
  • Contaminated water from industrial discharges, agricultural run-off, or an accidental spill
  • Building materials and finishes, such as drywall, pipes, paint, and carpets
  • Soil contaminated by industrial or agricultural activities
  • Contaminated air at a workplace

Some people may have been exposed to toxic chemicals if they were nearby a train derailment, a tanker truck accident, or an industrial plant. Fires at agricultural and industrial facilities can release toxins into the surrounding area. Whatever the means of exposure, our dedicated legal professionals can identify the responsible parties and assert a claim for compensation.

Common Injuries Resulting From Chemical Exposure

Exposure to toxic chemicals could lead to a wide variety of health concerns, depending on the chemical and the means of exposure. For example, when someone breathes a toxic chemical in the air, they often suffer from respiratory issues. The effect could be similar to asthma, but many toxic chemicals cause throat, lung, and other malignant cancers when inhaled. 

When a toxic chemical contacts the skin, a person might suffer severe burns. In some cases, the chemical does not burn the skin but is absorbed into it and enters the bloodstream, where cancers of the internal organs or neurological problems could develop. Ingestion of toxic chemicals could lead to poisoning and problems with the liver, kidneys, and bladder.

These are only some of the health problems people might experience after exposure to toxic chemicals. A proactive lawyer in North Kansas City could review the medical literature and consult experts to determine whether evidence exists linking an injured person’s condition to chemical exposure. 

The Process for Bringing a Toxic Exposure Lawsuit

There is a special name for a lawsuit when a person seeks compensation for injuries they suffered because of toxic exposure—it is called a toxic tort. Toxic torts can be complicated matters, as the person seeking compensation must prove the means of exposure and connect their health problems to it. Doing so could require testimony from toxicologists, industrial hygienists, medical experts, engineers, soil scientists, and others.

A person could bring a toxic tort lawsuit as an individual claimant; though, in some cases, an individual could join a mass tort action. When multiple people file lawsuits alleging a specific product exposed them to harm, courts sometimes consolidate the suits. Currently, mass tort lawsuits are active concerning:

  • Asbestos, a substance with many industrial applications that causes mesothelioma
  • Talcum powder, which contains an ingredient that causes ovarian cancer
  • Paraquat, an herbicide that can cause Parkinson’s disease and similar symptoms when ingested or absorbed through the skin

Our team of knowledgeable toxic exposure attorneys in North Kansas City could advise a person whether joining a mass tort is an option in their case.

Missouri Revised Statutes § 516.120(4) requires an adult seeking compensation for personal injuries to file a lawsuit within five years, while Kansas Statutes Annotated § 60-513 gives injured people only two years to file a claim. It often takes time for a chemical exposure injury to become apparent; thus, it is critical for someone who suspects a symptom is related to toxic exposure to consult a medical professional and get a diagnosis as quickly as possible.

Trust Your Claim to a North Kansas City Toxic Chemical Exposure Attorney

If you believe you were exposed to a toxic substance and it made you ill, you might have a claim for damages. You could receive comprehensive compensation for all the losses you experienced due to the exposure.

Consult a North Kansas City toxic chemical exposure lawyer at BG Law for sound legal advice based on years of experience. Call today to discuss your situation with one of our seasoned attorneys.

North Kansas City
Phone (816) 800-9446
416 Armour Road
N. Kansas City, MO 64116
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